Jet Lag

Posted by on August 13, 2010 in On The Road

It is 4 a.m. here at home. I am awake and am still on some other time zone. This is the plight of those who travel Internationally. I have flown a lot and still have the adjustment every time.

I have found that flying westward is easier than going eastward. I often fly to Singapore and then into Indonesia. I am usually ready to go on day one and have no sleep problems. Singapore is 17 hours ahead of the west coast of the U.S. If I sleep at least six hours on the flight to Singapore I am ready to go.

The return is a mystery to me–we land in the U.S. about the same time we leave Singapore. Yes–17 hours ahead of the U.S. the flights are about 17 hours from the Singapore to the U.S.

I am now awake and wondering how long it will take for me to get back to the U.S. time.