Two Amazing Servants

Posted by on July 21, 2013 in Blog

February (4) Emmy 2013 005
Joanne Klaver and Emily Miner visited the IFC/Hohidiai School in January 2013.  Their  time and effort is deeply appreciated.  Here are their comments:


By Joanne Klaver —

“Having spent most of my life in the medical profession, I was surprised and truly blessed when I was assigned to help with second graders at Hohidiai School. Their enthusiasm in academic work, the high standards presented and met by the students, and the Christian caring for each other and even for me were overwhelming. Many students have had very difficult life experiences, but God has provided, and they will become well educated leaders.  Thank you IFC for this wonderful first-hand experience to see God’s work in the lives of these youngsters.”


By Emily Miner —
“It is with great privilege that I share a brief snippet of my time on the base in Indonesia.  Nothing could have prepared me for the beauty that exists there – bright green foliage, topaz skies and warm heat.  The prize beauty on base is the people, specifically the children.  I was able to substitute teach in the Grade 2 class for one week.  The children in that class are very remarkable.  With incredibly heartbreaking pasts, they have become sparkling lights.  Immaculately dressed in school uniforms, homework completed in their backpacks, tummies full from a yummy breakfast, these students come ready to learn.  Boy, are they smart! They spend the morning learning in complete English.  They study math, spelling, social studies and science in English! Imagine learning those topics in Indonesian!  The students are quick to raise their hands to answer and push their teachers to provide the best learning opportunities available.  The afternoons are spent speaking Indonesian as they learn their country’s history, have another math lesson, and learn to use computers.  This group of students is going to change the future of the island of Halmahara, the nation of Indonesia, and possibly the world “