Made With Holy Hands

Posted by on December 3, 2013 in Blog, News, Staff News

She has suffered more than almost anyone I know. She has seen unspeakable violence and the loss of her oldest brother. Her village was a target of attack back in 2000 where over 200 people were killed in one day of violence. Winda was only 13 years old and defenseless in the attack.

She is one of the strongest individuals I have ever met. The many atrocities she has  seen and yet she is stable emotionally. Winda believes it was God’s help that allowed her to survive and face the challenges in order to move forward with her life. She also dealt with an ongoing illness that limits what she can do physically. She tires quickly and has days she cannot get out of bed. Everyone who has  met with Winda have been deeply touched by her story and her strength.

Recently, Winda had started making jewelry.  The ear rings and necklaces are very attractive and the best part is she lovingly made each one with her own hands. I know it is an effort for her to make them.  The group of American’s who recently were looking at her jewelry asked, “What is the price?” Winda smiled and giggled as she said, “A dollar each.” What a small price for these beautiful pieces of  jewelry. It is a pleasure to have purchased some of her handiwork.  My daughter and wife loved each one of them and could hardly believe the ear rings were the creations of Winda. It is therapy for her as will has a small income for her. She wanted to make enough to put a concrete floor for her mothers small home that was built on the ruins of their former home.