
Posted by on January 7, 2014 in Blog, News, Short--term Teams

Anita was a puzzle. She came to the Hohidiai Children’s Home as an infant. She was a puzzle because she was so tiny and never seemed to thrive. She was beautiful and had apparent great needs. The thought was that she was failing to thrive due to her tough physical start. She would cling tightly to her providers but seemed very happy. She did not speak a word.  It was recently discovered that Anita cannot hear. She has been living in a silent world. She has very special needs.

A team from Alaska is currently at the base where they are working with the hearing impaired. When you realize this team has been planning for months to go to the base and work with our staff on how to serve the hearing impaired in the region. Then the team recently found out that little Anita is needing exactly what they were bringing.

The great news is Anita has responded very well to the teams work. She has now learned to sign her name and today she signed the word APPLE. How could the simple word, apple be such a powerful word. It means a new world for Anita–the beginning of her speaking.  Yes–she is speaking just as loud and any one of us.  Apple is my new favorite word.

November 2013 Indonesia Team 016