Jon’s Marathon

Posted by on April 9, 2018 in Blog

Jon has served at the Hohidiai base in Indonesia as he waited for an interview for Medical School. He had plenty of patience and after three years he was accepted into a medical school program. Jon is now finishing his second year of his medical training.

Jon taught piano and helped the Hohidiai school children with their school work. He has a big place in his heart for the little children in the school. Jon also likes to run. He would run around the soccer field at the base for his training. He made many trips around that soccer field.

Jon decided to run a marathon to raise funds for the Hohidiai School construction. He asked his donors to pay extra if he ran faster than his previous best time. He called me to tell me that he ran seven minutes faster than his best personal time and that his donors would be giving for the school.

Every minute Jon ran fast we are that much closer to finishing the next school building. Jon is a very smart and giving young man. He will make an exceptional doctor.